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Sunday 22 May 2022

The power of 9 lemons in a bowl Feng Shui cure

Lemons are purifiers as well as cleaners of sha chi, or bad chi, according to certain feng shui experts. Lemons are utilized as instruments for eliminating bad chi energy in your house since we associate them with significant environmental benefits.

What do lemons represent?

Lemons open the way for good chi energies to emerge as well as circulate inside your home.

In certain feng shui techniques, 9 lemons in a bowl are considered prosperous. To bring prosperity and remove bad energy, some feng shui experts believe in putting 9 lemons in a bowl.

There are two theories for placing nine lemons in a bowl. One is the cleaning qualities of lemons, and the other is the number 9's fortunate influences.

What Does Cleansing Mean In Feng Shui?

Every now and then, everyone has depressing Sunday afternoon sentiments.

However, if your house has been in a continual state of sadness, it's time to expel those unpleasant, gloomy, as well as downright dismal feelings which can have a significant impact on your morale for good.

Even though it may be cold outside, the very first approach to getting unfavorable air out of your house is to open all the windows as well as generate a breeze to allow the air in.

Also, try to declutter and organize your environment like arranging your closet. Decluttering has a magical impact on the surroundings.

Try lighting incense with caution. That is a great mood uplifter in feng shui. Should you not attempt it in your apartment? These scented fumes have always been a spiritual as well as a meditation technique. It'll make you feel more energized.

Significance Of Number 9 In Feng Shui

Feng Shui Lucky Number 9 is the number that represents many aspects of life and fulfills the below things.

  1. Fate,
  2. Everlasting,
  3. Confidence,
  4. Spirituality,
  5. Selfless act,
  6. Purpose in life,
  7. Definitive love,
  8. Generosity,
  9. Self-sacrifice,
  10. Benevolence,
  11. Cosmic consciousness,
  12. Definitive Spiritual Statutes,
  13. The basic premise of karma,
  14. Compassion and humanitarians,
  15. Light working as well as lightworkers,
  16. Likely to lead by the sign of hope,
  17. Sense of self objective and kindness
  18. charitable work as well as the philanthropist.

The number 9 amplifies all energies. It's critical to realize that the number 9 floating star is impartial. This means that it will spread as well as increase both favorable and unfavorable fortune with no regard for the circumstances.

Top 7 Disinfectant Characteristics Of Lemons

People use Lemons for positive energy. Lemons are recognized for their disinfecting properties as well as their high acidic content. For ages, the lemon bowl has been utilized in cleaning treatments. Lemons can also be utilized in the home.

Lemons could be utilized in a variety of ways inside the house. Below are a few examples of utilizing lemon in the house.

  1. Cleaning alloy pans as well as pots: Use lemon juice to scrub alloy pans and pots. Lemon juice may also be used to cleanse copper fittings.
  2. Pour the liquid into vinegar: Vinegar is a fantastic scrubbing agent, but it has a strong odor that many people despise. When trying to clean, mixing lemon juice with vinegar might assist to mask the vinegar scent.
  3. Letting the lemon juice rest on the blemish on a table for some minutes helps wipe the blemish off the tabletop. Wipe the spot using baking soda to get rid of the stains. Allow the lemon juice to rest for a short period of time. The juice has the potential to be extremely effective.
  4. Drains: To refresh the drain, grind lemon peels in the garbage bin. Drains can also be freshened by pouring hot water with some lemon along with them.
  5. Lemon juice may be used as an organic whitening agent. Let white linens as well as garments air in the sun after applying lemon juice to them. The smudges will be removed with the help of lemon juice.
  6. Degreasing: Lemon juice's acidity eats through grease as well as effectively removes it from the stovetop and surfaces.
  7. Lemon is a fantastic glassware cleanser, either with or even without vinegar. If you do opt to include vinegar in the mixture, the sweet scent of lemon will mask the vinegar's less-than-pleasing aroma.

Attracting Money And Positivity Through 9 Lemons In A Bowl

For using lemons to attract money and wipe away bad energies, arrange a container of 9 lemons in a bowl or particular area of your residence. You should think about each sector's components and the way they will combine with the lemon forces.

9 Lemons In A Bowl Feng Shui
9 Lemons In A Bowl Feng Shui

Because fire consumes and metal slashes, you'll definitely need to resist setting the 9 lemons in the bowl, find directions on lemon placement based on five elements in feng shui.

  • South, which corresponds to the fire element.
  • West, which corresponds to the metal element.
  • as well as Northwest, which also corresponds to the metal element, fortune regions.
  • Southeast, which corresponds to the wood element, is the best place to use lemons for prosperity as well as optimism.

9 Lemons In A Bowl Significance In Feng Shui

  • Nine lemons in a bowl, it is commonly thought, not just to create pleasant decoration but additionally to purify the space of bad energy.
  • If lemons deteriorate and rot fast rather than drying up, it may be a sign that you need to cleanse your house of negative energy.
  • Several people understand that a lemon tree could never be harmed by negative energy, therefore they cultivate lemons in their houses.
  • Numerous vendors in China put lemons in jugs of water at the entryway to counteract bad vibes and keep them out.
  • Regular folks should utilize lemons in their homes, with a focus on kitchens as well as living areas, according to feng shui gurus.
  • If someone with bad energy is around, it would be suppressed so that it would not harm others.

Where To Place 9 Lemons In A Bowl For Good Luck

Using lemons in water for good luck and prosperity is advisable to use proper direction.

The North sector of your house, which corresponds to the water element, is the best location for setting a bowlful of lemons in order to increase both good and career luck.

Set the container in your dining area if you want to make the space a little more fashionable while also bringing you good luck. Furthermore, it aids in the removal of whatever negativity may be present. 

How Many Lemons Do You Put In A Bowl: 7 or 9 lemons in a bowl?

  • Since the number 9 is linked with completeness, it is typically suggested that there be nine Lemons. Alternative numbers to consider include 1,4,6,8, as well as 7.
  • Since this location is associated with the earth element, 7 lemons inside a container are advised for usage in the southwest dining room. The numerals 6 and 7 represent metal elements and therefore can counteract the negative effects of this location.
  • Some individuals like to use seven lemons in a dish rather than nine. While you utilize only seven lemons, you're drawing into the number seven, which is associated with good health.
  • The numeral 9 is associated with prosperity and abundance, as well as progress and goal achievement. It also represents wholeness and completion, which is why it is commonly exhibited in family rooms.
  • 9 is also seen as a fortunate figure in Chinese culture, and it is frequently connected with lasting and positive love. 

9 Lemons On A Bed Of Rice In Feng Shui

It's simple to boost positive vibes using LEMONS; all you need are a few green lemons in a bowl.

Some other easy method is to place nine lemons in a dish just above the fridge on a bed of rice. Create an eight-lemon ring and place one in the middle for riches.

Saturday 23 January 2021

How To Cleanse Amethyst + Charge For Healing- Complete Guide

The utilization of amethyst is a significant piece of Feng shui culture. Consequently, to get the ideal outcomes from your amethyst, it is important to see how to purge amethyst appropriately. For purifying and initiating we can utilize Salt from the Sea, Smudging Over, a decent chemical for precious stones, Moonlight, Sunlight. How about we investigate all the ways for purging amethyst in detail alongside normal FAQs.

How To Cleanse And Charge Amethyst Pendulum?

How To Cleanse Amethyst
How To Cleanse Amethyst and Charge Its Energies

Natural stones and crystals absorb and store the energy they experience, both positive and negative, over time. The energy contained in your pendulum is very useful in most situations.

Simple ways for cleansing amethyst:

#1 Salt From The Sea

This is a perfect way to get rid of bad energy from your crystals! Leave your crystals overnight in a sea salt/water mixture, much like cleansing your Amethyst.

#2 Ol’ Water Fashion

Keep the stone under running water and ask the World to eradicate from this crystal all negativities.

#3 With Other Crystals, Cleanse

The easiest way of clearing crystals is to add the crystal that you are trying to trigger to the bag where your crystals are kept.

#4 Smudging Over

Asking for protection or dedicating love to your crystals with sage.

#5 Cleanser For Crystals

Some crystals tend to be more fragile than others, and brittle crystals and stones (mostly because the crystals are not immersed in water) perform well with crystal cleaners.

#6 Kit For Gentle Energy Cleaning

Energy cleaning made easy is the simple framework of AYP that employs methods of natural energy cleansing and Citrine’s power and writing purpose.

#7 Moonlight

Moonlight, unlike sunlight, is safe for all rocks. During a full moon, place the pendulum or crystal on a windowsill and let it stay overnight.

The crystal works for a longer time if charged before cleansing. It also allows the crystal to be more vibrant and gives energy to the crystal. There are various ways to charge crystals, but the main methods to be familiar with are the following.

  • Moonlight: It is one of the best sources of energy for the pendulum and also boosts energy. Moonlight energy can be used to charge my blocks.
  • Sunlight: The masculine counterpart to the vitality of celestial illumination is sunshine. The energy from the sunlight is powerful and vivid. You can place it in the sun to charge as long as the crystal is not light sensitive and has been washed in advance with another technique.

How To Cleanse Amethyst Without Chemicals

How To Cleanse Amethyst Without Chemicals

Sunday 1 November 2020

How To Feng Shui Kitchen [2020-2021 Tips] - Exclusive Guide

 Feng Shui Kitchen Design Concepts? 

At the point when you make your kitchen space more manageable, attractive, and a comfortable spot. You began to feel truly great the manner in which you used to feel and cook. Here are not many plan ideas for the great Feng Shui Kitchen. 

Peruse more about feng shui kitchen design, to see better. 

Feng Shui Kitchen

#1 Reflect The Stove 

Feng shui proficient says that the best picture of bounty for your Kitchen space is the oven. 

As the oven burners represent your abundance producing aptitudes and right arrangement of your kitchen oven, it can emblematically twofold your abundance abilities. 

#2 Beautify With Clean Fruit 

Who doesn't prefer to see a new bowl of organic products? Adding a bowl of new organic products in a kitchen can improve the Feng Shui Kitchen stylistic layout just as represent the affluence in the corner. 

#3 Suitable Kitchen Shades 

Basically, the most basic component inside the kitchen is the oven, a fire point. Which speaks to the component of Fire. Because of this, the Feng Shui guide suggests helping the best kitchen colors 2021 like yellow, purple, earthy colored, and white. 

Best Feng Shui Kitchen Plants 

Find how to enact the Chi of your home with plants. They will fill it with positive energy and pull in bounty and thriving. Pursue the most regular Feng Shui. 

it is enthusiastically prescribed to put fragrant plants in the kitchen. Basil, mint, parsley, rosemary, chives, oregano, wise, lavender, coriander, thyme. 

Notwithstanding improving and impregnating rich scents they communicate positive energy and their utilization will give an additional portion of nutritious energy to each dish. 

The plants help to shield from harmful and negative energies, likewise going about as a defensive boundary against clamor, heat, exorbitant light. 

That is the reason they are crucial in overhangs and windows: notwithstanding separating, they orchestrate the outer with the inner, María Fariña lets us know, of Energy Design & Decor, a specialist in feng shui and energy cleaning. 

Energy Flow 

The plants with pointed leaves are ideal for corners, dull zones, spaces between sections, or in those corners where common light doesn't enter. They help us to initiate Chi or crucial energy in these spots where it will in general deteriorate. Find here a complete guide on Feng Shui Ditections 2021.

Boosting Abundance 

"Fat plants are enthusiastically suggested for their opposition, they need little consideration and consistently look lovely. By their characteristics, as indicated by Feng Shui, they initiate the energy of plenitude. 

The desert flora with thistles additionally have a place with this gathering, however for this situation, better spot them outside (porch, yard or nursery), 

Since plants are incredible energy enhancers, the more delightful and verdant you have, the better. Never keep plants in a helpless condition or dry since what they will give you back is dead energy. 

Leaf Shape 

The plants make an immediate relationship with nature and with our certified condition of wellbeing and equilibrium. Those with round, oval or heart-molded leaves, for example, ficus, pothos, lily of harmony can be kept effectively in the kitchen. 

Try not to put plants in zones that hinder the section of the house, this would make the energy be befuddled as well and not stream appropriately. 

Making a corner like this close to a window and exploiting the enriching patterns that are loaded up with tropical leaves, is a very state-of-the-art thought. 

Love Is In The Air 

Feng Shui discloses to us that blooming plants pull in adoration. Regardless of whether you are distant from everyone else or as a team, you can upgrade this inclination to reign in your home through little pots with a bloom, for example, lavender, which will likewise give you a decent smell and a loosening up climate 

Feng Shui Kitchen Love 

For Astrid there is no better method to accomplish harmony, than through nature: "The plants are the incredible harmonizers, they balance the climate making the rooms more comfortable and unwinding. Being in contact with them assists with decreasing the degree of stress". 

Green Is Life 

For Feng Shui, living energy is one of its columns, producing it, moving it and enabling it, and the most ideal approach to accomplish it is definitely through components of nature. Deny counterfeit plants or dried blossoms, they are dead energy and what they cause is stagnation. 

In the house, there are suspended particles that hurt our wellbeing, for example, radon, nitrogen dioxide, and even residue. Feng Shui prompts ventilating our home 

As indicated by the old Feng Shui Kitchen craft of Feng shui, fragrant plants can reproduce the best of nature in that space of imagination and energy motor that is the kitchen. 

A window brimming with plants permits us to pull in and let that energy stream. Yet, be cautious with going over: overabundance plants can hamper success. 

The extraordinary partners of feng shui must be available in the kitchen, giving newness, adding the component of wood (fuel for the fire), and Feng Shui Kitchen tones in the event that you additionally utilize blooming plants. 

You can utilize characteristic plants on the off chance that you are one of the individuals who don't oversee well with them there are as of now numerous plants and pots with fake blossoms that appear to be practically genuine, wager on the Feng Shui Kitchen shading 2021 and newness. 

The aromatics additionally give "food" and improve it, so you can decide to have even a little vertical nursery in the event that you have normal light so they are upbeat.

Thursday 29 October 2020

How To Find My Lucky Number In Feng Shui [Meaning + Calculations]

In the act of feng shui, exceptional consideration is paid to lucky numbers and figures. They are seen as exceptional codes in which a profound significance is covered up. 

It is accepted that dates, number of lofts, workplaces, and other advanced signs can influence an individual's life somewhat. 

Find Your Lucky Numbers Based On Your Birthday

In Chinese culture, people are using lucky number’s from ages. It’s to be believed that lucky numbers can bring good luck and fortune to their life.

Birthday lucky number
Lucky Numbers Based On Your Birthday

Chinese people usually choose these auspicious numbers when some important events are going to happen. Like choosing a date for engagementa wedding ceremonyrelocating the houseopening a new business, and more.

So here is a list of numbers based on your birthday through the following chart.

What Are The 5 Lucky Numbers In Feng Shui? 

It is accepted that the Best Lucky numbers for progress to ensure great Chi can enter your home with no questions are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9. As indicated by Feng Shui specialists, number 1 is related to a fresh start, newness. 

Is 7 A Lucky Number In Feng Shui? 

According to Feng Shui specialists, 7 is related with injury, Violence, Death, and misfortune. But at the same time, it's accepted that 7 numbers are a decent number for improving connections. 

Is 13,14,15 A Lucky Number In Feng Shui? 

The number 13 is in Feng Shui related to misfortune. It's viewed as unfortunate for some, functions like to welcome 13 visitors at an evening gathering, House number with 13 stories. 

Number 14 is viewed as the most noticeably awful number than 13 among all the unfortunate numbers. It is straightforwardly connected with ensured demise, in light of the mix of 1 with 14. 

Another fortunate number in Feng Shui is 15. Number 15 speaks to a family, mending, and concordance number. 

Additionally read-Chinese fortunate numbers for house-Detailed guide 

Is 0 A Lucky Number In Feng Shui? 

In the Feng Shui rehearses, the number 0 or Zero is viewed as a fortunate number, particularly for the cash. Another factor is that in China individuals think this is the start, everything being equal, just as an even one. 

Is 3 Considered A Lucky Number In Feng Shui? 

The number 3 (三), is viewed as fortunate as a result of its similarity in sound to the word that suggests birth. Additionally, this number addresses the three stages in the life of individuals – birth, marriage, end – that adds to its importance in Chinese culture. 

What Are The Lucky House Number In Feng Shui? 

It is acknowledged that the best numbers to guarantee extraordinary energy can enter your home without issues are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9. As demonstrated by Feng Shui specialists, 1 suggests a new beginning, freshness or birth and accordingly is continually associated with an auspicious capacity. 

Locate the total guide on Feng shui fortunate and unfortunate numbers for the house. 

What Are The Lucky Feng Shui Numbers For Business 

What Are The Feng Shui Numbers For Business? It is acknowledged that the best numbers which can bring accomplishment and karma for business are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9.

Monday 19 October 2020

Feng Shui Dragon Placement Ultimate Guide 2021

The Feng Shui mythical dragon is a ground-breaking and favorable customary feng shui fix and a brilliant yang/manly solid feng shui image. 

In this blog, we will comprehend the right Feng shui mythical dragon east or Chinese winged serpents 2020 situation and headings control. 

A pearl, or a precious stone, in the Chinese mythical dragon paw of feng shui represents riches, influence, and a bounty of chances. 

This legendary creature rouses and lifts the individual soul of advancement, as a test for an individual, inciting him to make progress and success, this is the importance of the Feng Shui or Chinese Dragon symbology. 

Feng Shui Dragon Guide

Which means Of Chinese Dragon In Feng Shui? 

Mythical beast is a fundamental piece of Chinese culture for a very long time. Additionally, it positioned as one of the most remarkable images of Yang's energy in general. In Feng shui, it utilizes as a favorable image which, represents legitimate influence, honorability, achievement, divine insurance, riches, and copious chances. 

Aside from above significance there is additionally otherworldly importance of winged serpent. Which says that mythical beast speaks to otherworldly power, intelligence, quality, and concealed information. 

What Is The Importance Of Feng Shui(Chines) Dragon? 

What does chinese winged serpent represent? The most evident question.Its image is utilized in Feng Shui to engage the metal winged serpent puppet. 

The Importance Of Chinese Dragon component in any aspect of its space, prescribing to put feng shui winged serpents toward the edge of the East or Southeast. It is one of the customary Chinese articles that assists with adding equalization and concordance to the climate. 

In China, the mythical beast image is noticeable all over the place, as it is a crucial conviction of Chinese culture. which lives in antiquated Chinese legends where reference is made to its capacity to control regular components, for example, wind, downpour, or downpour. mists 

Mythical beast Turtle Facing Direction 

For best outcomes place feng shui mythical beast turtle in the north or northwest ways according to feng shui Bagua zones of your winged serpent home or office that confronting your fortunate heading. You can pick a decent quality bronze chinese monsters sculptures or one cut from a gem or stone winged serpents for gardens. 

Feng Shui Dragon Picture Placement 

Instructions to utilize winged serpent in home ?according to Feng Shui specialists, the ideal method to utilize chinese monster picture is to outline an image or any picture of a mythical beast with metal. As there is a conviction that it will take care of the favorable luck that the mythical beast is bringing. 

Then again, we have to carefully abstain from outlining a monster picture in a wood outline. As wood needs water to develop, which bringing about the Wood component hindering the Water component. Despite the fact that keeping wood mythical beast itself is anything but a decent feng shui. 

You may likewise discover numerous proposals on winged serpent pictures available to be purchased on the web. Continue checking such proposals to bring flourishing for your home. 

Feng Shui Phoenix And Dragon Placement-Tips 

The Feng Shui winged serpent is an amazing and conventional image that you can use at home to ensure your home. It has solid yang (manly energy) and has a pearl in the monster's hook that represents riches, influence, and wealth of chances. 

So now this is the most evident question where do I place a mythical serpent feng shui 2020 or Where would it be a good idea for me to put a monster in my home? 

" The Feng Shui Dragon and Phoenix are viewed as one of the most impressive and esteemed images in Feng Shui and as we probably am aware Chi (essential energy) " 

Winged serpents Feng shiu comes in numerous sizes and varieties of shadings and materials. For instance, a green winged serpent for the east side of the house is incredible for wellbeing.

While a gold monster Feng Shui winged serpent can be extraordinary for improving riches and wealth. 

Having a monster at home in any territory of ​​your home is something worth being thankful for you can do, you can put it any place you need in your home, without limitations! 

Despite the fact that it is prudent that you the mythical serpent ought not be set in zones with low energy, for example, the restroom, inside a storeroom or a carport since it won't present to you any profit. 

Feng Shui Dragon And Phoenix Together Symbol Meaning 

In Feng shui the monster and phoenix just a Pair from Paradise and its significance in pair is Dragon and Phoenix are the two of the most impressive images which speak to progress and success. 

Furthermore, in Fengshui, on the off chance that they are two by two, at that point, they are viewed as the image of adoration and this is called Yin Yang Phoenix Dragon. The winged serpent speaks to the 'yin' while phoenix speaks to the 'yang'. View the total guide on What Is Yin Yang | The Complete Theory Behind 

Feng Shui Dragon and Phoenix Marriage Symbol is additionally exceptionally propitious and useful for couples. The following are my top proposal for the equivalent 

Feng Shui Dragon Placement Facing Direction | Locations 

The best confronting feng shui mythical serpent bearing for the monster must be simply beneath the degree of sight with the goal that you can generally observe it thus you keep up command over its extraordinary forces. 

Never place the mythical serpent on the floor as this is an indication of lack of regard and you would prefer not to irritate the monster! 

Mythical serpent Facing Direction 

  1. The east area is the conventional spot for winged serpents. Spot a Chinese feng shui monster in this area or in the east corner of a house or business office. 
  2. On the off chance that you select a Chinese feng shui mythical serpent that holds a pearl, place it in the feng shui monster bearing towards the room. 
  3. Never pointing towards an entryway or window, since the pearl speaks to riches, wealth, and influence.
  4. You don't need all that out the entryway or more awful, through the window. 
  5. Cutoff the quantity of mythical serpents in your home to five. More than this will make ominous energy that originates from an excess of yang energy (fire). 
  6. Mythical serpent heads ought to consistently be raised by a favorable chi, never looking or pointing down. 

Direct the Chinese Feng Shui mythical serpents in the Eastern area 

What do monsters speak to ? Since mythical serpents speak to the East, the ideal confronting feng shui monster heading of a feng shui monster is on the east side of your home or on the east side of a room.

Notwithstanding, winged serpents ought not be set in rooms, restrooms, or storerooms, as they represent the action. Furthermore, will pull in a lot of energy to these territories. 

[Feng Shui Numbers]: Exclusive Guide On Lucky And Unlucky House Numbers

Feng Shui is an ancient practice of Asia so that the strategic placement of certain objects can release positive energy also known as chi. Feng Shui numerology is the interpretation of the deep energy of a number and its use, for optimal alignment. Here today we will learn how can we make our house lucky by Feng Shui Lucky Numbers.

By combining household energy with Feng Shui, the flow of beneficial energy can be stimulated. So let’s start.

Feng Shui Numbers- Lucky And Unlucky Numbers For House

How to get the Numerology of your house? First of all, we will have to determine the Feng Shui numbers of your house or home. We do it through a reduction process.

Feng Shui Numbers
Feng Shui Lucky House Numbers

What Is The Theory Behind Lucky House Numbers – Feng Shui

For example, if you live in 2542, add them like this: 2 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 13.

If the result is a two-digit number, as in this example, add them again, like this: 1 + 3 = 4.

In this case, the prime Feng Shui numbers are four, it will be the one we will use for the feng shui numerology of your home.

Now that you have your address number, it is time to open your house to luck, love, and good vibes, using the Housing Numerology, which you can harmonize with Feng Shui. Consider hanging these items (in pairs) in the south of your home.

The feng shui numerology of the houses tells us about its vibration and its energy load, which is not always as good as we would like.

However, feng shui allows us to harmonize this energy using decorative elements but above all things, significant colors on walls and different elements …

Let’s see which ones would be appropriate for your particular house.

Feng Shui House Numbers 1

Decorate with earth colors and include red details and all its variants. These colors are fire, passion, beginnings and must be mixed in order to balance the energy of the Feng Shui numbers one, which can have selfishness, loneliness, and certain isolation from the people who inhabit this house.

Numbers 1
Feng Shui Lucky Number 1

Feng Shui House Numbers 2

Make use of the decoration of the orange color and its variants (lighter, darker). Orange is a color that will allow the inhabitants of house number 2 to relax more and have very good experiences every day. The use of exposed brick walls will add even more life.

Numbers 2
Feng Shui Lucky Number 2

Feng Shui House Numbers 3

House 3 is a house that demands a lot of energy which usually escapes in the form of money. Use light beige, ocher and gold colors, which when combined help them achieve greater economic stability, as well as more prosperity and balance.

Numbers 3
Feng Shui Lucky Number 3

Feng Shui House Number 4

It is said that house number 4 contains the four cardinal points inside it, that is why the suggestion of feng shui is to include the four elements: we can use red (fire), plants (wood), metallic colors (metal) and A small fountain (water).

Lucky House Numbers 4
Feng Shui Lucky Number 4

Feng Shui House Numbers 5

This is one of the Feng Shui Lucky House Numbers. You need to add to the decoration elements and colors that represent the earth element, this will allow you to activate the power of the number 5 and give greater impetus and reaction to its inhabitants.

Lucky House Numbers 5
Feng Shui Lucky Number 5

Feng Shui House Numbers 6

Although it is one of the best numerologies of houses, house 6 can also bring some nostalgia and according to the predisposition of its inhabitants, depression. That is why the use of fresh and warm colors, as well as the color blue, will balance the energies, avoiding these feelings.

Lucky House Numbers 6
Feng Shui Lucky Number 6

Feng Shui House Numbers 7

Here more than anything we should be careful with what colors we should moderate and mix wisely since, in itself, the energy of this Feng Shui House Number 7 is highly spiritual and strong. Moderate the use of lilac, indigo, purple and purple colors, use them, but in a small amount.

Lucky House Numbers 7
Feng Shui Lucky Number 7

The power of 9 lemons in a bowl Feng Shui cure

Lemons are purifiers as well as cleaners of sha chi, or bad chi , according to certain feng shui experts. Lemons are utilized as instrument...